MSP Comparison:

The Best MSP For Biotech and Pharmaceutical Firms

MSPs (managed service providers) can abstract away the complexity of day-to-day IT operations for small and medium-sized enterprises. Being able to focus less on IT infrastructure and more on core business is a big benefit for any organization, but particularly so in the competitive biotech and pharmaceutical industries.

Of course, the biotech and pharmaceutical spaces come with unique challenges. Information management, data governance, security, and compliance are even more important in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. An MSP used to working in other sectors can struggle to keep up. Selecting the wrong MSP can lead to IT issues that hamstring productivity, cost money, or, worse, lead to compliance issues or data breaches.

To help you narrow down the search for your next MSP, we’ve evaluated MSPs from across the USA to determine who is best fit to serve clients in the biotech and pharmaceutical spaces. Here, we’ll explain a bit more about why MSPs are important, explore the criteria we compared MSPs on, compare our top 3, and name the nation’s top MSP for biotech and pharmaceutical businesses.

What is an MSP exactly?

A managed service provider is a firm that manages IT infrastructure for other organizations.

Of course, IT infrastructure is a broad term. Network gear, servers, cloud services, personal computers, antivirus software, and much more all falls under that same umbrella. Similarly, there is plenty of variance in the depth and breadth of services different MSPs offer.

For example, some MSPs may specialize in AWS cloud services while others focus on Juniper network products. Others may offer support for the entirety of your IT infrastructure from on-premises cabling to the cloud. Service level agreements (SLAs), how support is offered (in person, chat, email, etc), and how break/fix issues are handled can be different from provider to provider as well.

What size biotech and pharmaceutical firms benefit most from MSPs?

Effectively any size firm can benefit, but there is a substantial upside for small to medium-sized firms with 100-500 employees.

Any business can benefit from an MSP under the right circumstances, which is part of the reason they are so common. However, in many cases, small to medium-sized biotech and pharmaceutical enterprises are uniquely positioned to benefit from using an MSP.

This is because businesses — particularly growing businesses — at this stage are large enough to have significant IT infrastructure, data security, and compliance needs, but don’t usually have the in-house expertise to address it all.

While bringing on more staff is an option, in most cases they are better served by letting their own full-time employees focus on core business. After all, 40 hours of research & development or field-sales can add more to the bottom line than a week’s worth of IT support. By contracting an MSP to abstract away the complexity of IT management, these businesses can focus on their primary value chain.

Our criteria for MSP evaluation for the biotech and pharmaceutical industries

Here are the key criteria used to evaluate the MSPs that made our list.

To help you find the best MSP for your pharmaceutical or biotech business, we evaluated MSPs across multiple criteria. During the evaluation, we gauged the providers from the perspective of the value they can deliver to a growing pharmaceutical or biotech firm in that 100-500 employee range. As a result, we placed a significant emphasis on experience in the industry or related healthcare niches, data security, and compliance along the way. Here is our full list of criteria (which we recommend you use anytime you evaluate a provider!):
There’s no real substitute for having been there and done that. MSPs with experience with biotech and pharma scored higher on our list. Related healthcare experience dealing with relevant data security and compliance was also taken into consideration.
Growing biotech and pharma firms can greatly benefit from an MSP that can handle most or all of their IT needs. As a result, MSPs with support for a broad range of relevant solutions scored higher here.

Data breaches can damage your reputation, cost you money, or even cripple your business. No pharma or biotech firm can afford to have insecure IT infrastructure, so MSPs with solid security expertise, certifications, and track records got points here.

Ensuring compliance to relevant standards and regulations (e.g. HIPAA or FDA 21 CFR Part 11) is a MUST for many businesses in the space. Therefore, we favored MSPs with relevant compliance experience and expertise.
Disaster recovery (DR) is a vital part of business continuity. MSPs with solid backup and recovery plans did well here. Remember: it’s not just about the backups, but how fast they can be restored as well!
What channels (in-person, chat, email, etc), how fast, and where can an MSP provide service? We focused on coverage in the continental United States, speed, and availability for this criteria.

Top 3 MSPs for biotech and pharmaceutical firms

Imagis, W. O'Donnell Consulting, and Synoptek topped our list of the nation’s best MSPs for biotech and pharmaceutical firms.

1. Company overview


New York, NY

W. O'Donnell Consulting

New York, NY


Irvine, California

2. Biotech and pharma expertise


Industry Expertise:
Imagis has an impressive track record in the healthcare space and experience navigating compliance challenges relevant to biotech and pharma. For example, they’re one of the rare MSPs with expertise with United States Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) 21 CFR Part 11.


Industry Expertise:
W. O'Donnell has been in business since 1996 and healthcare is one of its target industries. They have experience with many of the security and compliance issues relevant to pharma and biotech.


Industry Expertise:
Synoptek has a solid track record serving healthcare businesses and addressing the related compliance and security challenges. As a result, much of the expertise translates well for firms in the biotech and pharma space.

3. Technologies supported


Key technologies Imagis supports include:


Key technologies W. O'Donnell supports include:


Key technologies Synoptek supports include:

4. Compliance




5. Information security




6. Disaster recovery




7. Service level & service area




The best overall MSP for biotech and pharmaceutical firms is: Imagis

In short: if you’re in the financial services sector and in the market for an MSP in the New York area, put Imagis at the top of your list.

While all 3 of the finalists scored well, Imagis differentiated themselves based on breadth and quality of services.

Imagis delivers all the standard services you would expect from a top-tier MSP: wide-range of technologies supported, fast response times, and sound security and disaster recovery practices. However, what sets them apart is the depth of their customer service and ability to deliver expert-level support for complex compliance and security challenges. For example, Imagis has a proven track record in quickly enabling small to medium-sized enterprises to implement information management, documentation authoring, and data governance best practices to achieve compliance and better overall information security.

In the world of biotech and pharmaceutical firms, that expertise and ability to act as a guide when making nuanced data security and information management decisions can be a game-changer. Imagis doesn’t just install and manage the IT infrastructure, they can help with CIO-level decision making as well.

In short, Imagis delivers the core benefit an MSP should: the ability to focus on your core business and not worry about IT. This quote from Dr. Rick Patt Co-Founder and Principal of Rad MD, sums it up best:

“The biggest benefit to date in working with Imagis has been the confidence we have in our IT systems and service. It is such a relief and assurance to know I can focus on other parts of my business and Imagis “has us covered”.1